Saturday, October 21, 2017

Amazing Aperitifs and Appetizers - La Torre Del Saracino, Seiano (Na)

October has become on of my favorite months of the year.  Though the days are getting noticeably shorter, the Campania sunshine still shines bright inviting Saturday stellato lovers like me to hit the road for a min roadtrip combined with a long leisurely lunch.  I chose La Torre del Saracino in Seiano to celebrate the beginning of a marvelous month.  
It has been about 10 months since I sat down in the watchtower, which the perfect spot for an aperitif or six, a glass of champagne, and a chance to look over Chef Gennaro Esposito's 2 Michelin starred menu.

Here's a look at the treats  brought out to help me relax...

Red bell pepper ice cream, Cetara anchovy sauce, lemon and red chili pepper pesto, and pistachios.

Creamy potatoes with flying squid.

Red beet and zucchini salad.

Beef tartar and porcini mushroom sandwich.

Salmon bagel.

Steamed sandwich bun filled with rabbit alla ischitana and escarole.

After an aperitif, I was led to the dining room where I placed my order and sat down to continue my relaxing afternoon.  Starting with a glass of Ribolla Giallo Vinnae vintage 2015.

Followed by some amazing appetizers - such as this marinated redfish acquapazza.

A lightly smoked palamita tuna, nduja, and  creamy Aegerola tarallo.

Another glass of wine - this time a Reisling, Nik Weis.

Blanched prawn  with buckwheat, horseradish, and mandarin.

 An espresso cup filled with a flavorful prawn broth accompanied the dish.

Before I could bite into this appetizer, a celery soup was carefully poured on top.  That colorful soup complemented this lightly smoked scallop, creamy  Controne beans, and black garlic.

 Another glass of wine - Greco di Tufo from Feudi di San Gregorio.

A super soup made with olives from Nocellara and almonds, a fennel puree and silver scabbardfish 80s style.

And this was just the beginning...


Exciting News: A New Chapter for In the Kitchen Campania begins January 21st 2025!

  Exciting News: A New Chapter for In the Kitchen Campania! Ciao, everyone! You may have noticed my recent absence, and I’m here to share th...