Un'Emozione a Tavola - Per Eva 2011 Bianco Costa Amalfi DOC
After a couple of hours on the beach, it was time. Time to freshen up and head into the dining room of Taverna del Capitano . Light jazz was the perfect background music as I browsed through the wine list that Mariella Caputo handed to me. A wine list with a reputation. A c antina full of wines from all over Italy as well as the world. But my eyes headed straight for the Campania section. The whites obviously since I was about to have lunch at one of the hottest seaside locations in Campania. I love to pair territory, and on the coast that can be a challenge. But I found a familiar wine....a familiar face...a wine that I wanted to share my afternoon with. One wine... Per Eva 2011 Bianca Costa Amalfi .DOC... Within minutes of my request, Per Eva arrived at my table. As Mariella Caputo opened the bottle it was hard not to think of this winery in Tramonti. One that I had visited several times over the past few years. ...