Wine and the Vespa - Vineyard Hopping with Wine and the City
Twenty years in Naples and I had never ridden a Vespa. Sure over the years I'd admired those who weave in and out of traffic with ease, even shaken my fist at a few who had gotten too close for comfort. But driven one myself? No. So when my eyes glanced over the latest Wine and The City program scheduled in Naples in May, my eyes hit an event that I thought was assai interesting...assai assai. Wine and the Vespa - a tour through Posillipo's vineyards. Vineyards on a Vespa? Too cool to pass up. I made a reservation subito. Piazza Trieste e Trento, Saturday 18 May, 0930 am. That was my appointment time with NapolInVespa Tour, a group of enthusiastic young Neapolitans who love their city and are ready to show off its beauty to whoever is ready and willing to hop on the back of a Vespa. That morning there were about 14 in our group. And after donning our mandatory helmets, we were on our way. First stop, Mergellina for a brief hist...