"Project UTA, the breath of life." The project will equip the new Department of Pathology Neonatal Pediatric Hospital Santobono Pausilipon of Naples of a unit of Air treatment for clinical settings of acute complexity: a latest generation systems and high technology to sanitize the air that will guarantee tiny critically ill patients an optimal environment and secure, with constant temperature and humidity levels and sterile air, thus preventing any kind of contamination that could be fatal for an infant in situation of great vulnerability. The project, whose total cost is € 82,400.00 + VAT will help to further increase the already high level of health care in the new Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, created thanks to the interventions of previous donors Festa a Vico.
This project stems from the Caritas Vico Equense charity's need of a new van to meet various needs in the service of the poor: first, the withdrawal of food destined for the needy at the headquarters of the Food Bank of Fisciano (SA) with which Caritas has an agreement ; twice a month in fact a representative of Caritas goes to Fisciano to catch and bring to Vico foods which support about 100 families throughout the territory. Second, several other gestures of solidarity to the poor are accomplished through the van: the picking up furniture or other bulky goods that often families have decided to donate to the poor. Helping the needy in case of eviction and the subsequent change of residence; the implementation of the National Food Collection Day, an event that every year in late November sees engaged Caritas, through a network of volunteers to collect food for the poor in eight supermarkets members between Vico and Sorrento. The vehicle currently used by Caritas Vico Equense was purchased used - with the help of some people in the community, but is no longer fit to perform these tasks.
So then, three days of partying with a purpose...
7 June 2015
The Food Republic
8:00 pm, in the heart of downtown Vico Equense, over 100 upcoming chefs will be preparing dishes throughout the town. In the stores, the alleys, the streets. A ticket/donation costs 15 Euro and allows you to have 4 dishes, a bottle of water and a glass of wine with all income going towards charity.
For info or to donate contact
Associazione Sostenitori Ospedale SantobonoOnlus
Emanuela Capuano - 392.02.28.600 or e.capuano@sostenitorisantobono.it
A.L.T.S. Associazione alla Lotta ai Tumori del Seno
Valentina 328 5863138 - Enzo 393 2404311 - 081.551.10.45 (from 10:00 to 14:00) or info@alts.it
Caritas Vico Equense
Pia Del Gaudio 338.7056308 - Emilia Savarese 338.9929108 or caritasvico@santiciroegiovannivico.it
8 June 2015
Charity Dinner at Giusso Castle
More than 20 chefs prepare a dinner for 200 guests. The big names in Italian cuisine will prepare an unforgettable journey with classic dishes of its restaurants. The evening will take place at the Castle Giusso Vico Equense (www.castellogiusso.it).
This event is sold out, but here's the impressive list of chefs who will be participating.
- Andrea Berton
- Massimo Bottura
- Francesco Bracali
- Antonino Cannavacciuolo
- Chicco Cerea
- Pino Cuttaia
- Nino Di Costanzo
- Massimo Mantarro
- Valentino Marcattilii
- Riccardo Monco
- Davide Oldani
- Piergiorgio Parini
- Giancarlo Perbellini
- Valeria Piccini
- Niko Romito
- Salvatore Tassa
- Claudio Sadler
- Davide Scabin
- Sandro Serva
- Mauro Uliassi
- Gennaro Esposito
- Massimo Bottura
- Francesco Bracali
- Antonino Cannavacciuolo
- Chicco Cerea
- Pino Cuttaia
- Nino Di Costanzo
- Massimo Mantarro
- Valentino Marcattilii
- Riccardo Monco
- Davide Oldani
- Piergiorgio Parini
- Giancarlo Perbellini
- Valeria Piccini
- Niko Romito
- Salvatore Tassa
- Claudio Sadler
- Davide Scabin
- Sandro Serva
- Mauro Uliassi
- Gennaro Esposito
June 9, 2015
A Night of Stars - Marina d'Equa Seiano waterfront and the Le Axidie Tourist Complex
100 ish chefs and top pizza makers will prepare street food on the beach. You can take part in the evening with a minimum donation of 100 € which will be earmarked for ONLUS associations. As places are limited, it is advisable to make a donation by bank transfer (as it will have value of booking) to be made out to
Associazione Sostenitori Ospedale SantobonoOnlus
IBAN: IT 53 L 0335 901600 100000 103988
Causale: "La notte delle stelle 9 giugno"
A.L.T.S. Associazione alla Lotta ai Tumori del Seno
IBAN: IT44 I033 5901 6001 0000 0105 583
Causale: "La notte delle stelle 9 giugno"
Valentina 328.58.63.138 - Enzo 393.24.04.311 - Segreteria 081.551.10.45 (dalle 10:00 alle 14:00) or info@alts.it
More info and photos can be found on the web site.
Ci vediamo a Vico!
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