So there I sat, one Friday evening. Surrounded by tall ceramic tiled pillars. Pillars that proudly displayed the grapes from the Campania region; falanghina, aglianico, piedirosso… Above me, long green vines rich and heavy with grapes almost ready for the fall harvest. And in front of me…five glasses. Five wine glasses ready for Il Palio della Barbera Contadina , a wine tasting that would introduce me to Barbera del Sannio. Five glasses ready for five wines from small local producers. Contadina means farmer in Italian, so we would taste the real local stuff. Wine made by the residents of Castelvenere, a town in the Benevento province; Mario Verrrillo, Anna Verrillo, Salvatore Romanelli, Barbato Romanelli and Fillipo Simone. Luciano Pignataro ( Luciano Pigataro Wine Blog , vino Slow Food Campania), Mauro Erro , (sommelier, il viandante bevitore ), and Pasquale Carlo ( Pro Loco Castelvenere President) guided us through this casual relaxed wine tasting. As the wines were po...