A tutta birra ma... con "Karma"-Veritas Restaurant, June 30, 2010

Veritas Restaurant  has decided to throw a dinner party to inaugurate their beer list. They have invited Mario Cipriano, master brewer and owner of Karma Alvignano in Caserta.


Salsiccia di baccalà, fagiolini fritti e maionese all’aglio dolce, Cod sausage, fried beans sweet garlic mayonnaise
Beer: Lemon Ale

Fagottini ripieni di fagioli spollichini e cozze in zuppetta di sedano e lardo di montagna, Burritos stuffed with beans and a mussel soup with celery an lard.

Salmone selvaggio in panuria alle erbe, crema di patate e porro, Wild salmon in herb-flavored breadcrumbs, creamed potatoes and leeks

Crumble con mousse al cappuccino, gelato alle mandorle, salsa al cioccolato, cappuccino mousse crumble, ice cream with almonds, chocolate sauce
Na’ tazzulella ‘e cafè

The cost of the evening is 30 Euro and begins at 2030 ish

Veritas Restaurant
Corso Vittorio Emmanuele 141
For more info and reservations 081 660585


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